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Keren Fotografi perpaduan antara POHON ANGKER dengan MALAM HARI

Rabu, 02 November 2011

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Eerie: Alex Saberi captured a series of stunning, and sometimes haunting, images after sunset
Eerie: Alex Saberi captured a series of stunning, and sometimes haunting, images after sunset

His images were captured in Richmond Park, long after the crowds of people have gone home
His images were captured in Richmond Park, long after the crowds of people have gone home

Long exposures a host of incredible and vibrant colours with trees contrasting against the sky
Long exposures a host of incredible and vibrant colours with trees contrasting against the sky

The pictures took 12 months to create and include a variety of trees in full leaf and those that have died
The pictures took 12 months to create and include a variety of trees in full leaf and those that have died

Photographer Alex said he wanted to do something different and show what the park looked like after dark
Photographer Alex said he wanted to do something different and show what the park looked like after dark

He used to capture images of wildlife but instead decided to point his lens at the stunning silhouettes
He used to capture images of wildlife but instead decided to point his lens at the stunning silhouettes
To get a wider variety of colours Mr Saberi took an entire year so that he could capture the four seasons
To get a wider variety of colours Mr Saberi took an entire year so that he could capture the four seasons

After a year in the park, he said: 'Richmond Park is a magical place'
After a year in the park, he said: 'Richmond Park is a magical place'

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